Hello Fall! The storm of a very dark summer has lifted and in its path is a new journey, one for the taking, one for the record books and one filled with uncharted territory for me to discover.

As some of you may know, in early July our family was rocked with news that shook me to my core. Information catapulted by a late-night forever etched in my mothering heart. A call where one of my beautiful adult children had just hung up with their doctor after being informed they have a rare genetic condition called Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency. This perfectly created child of ours; born at home, raised on organic and non-GMO foods, taught to respect Mother Earth and their body was now facing a life-altering diagnosis – this couldn’t be! Unfortunately, it is to be. The roll of the dice has landed and the luck of our lineage is not on our side.
After a head-spinning number of late-night research sessions, several appointments with specialists and many sleepless nights this summer, I have begun to accept the news that my husband and I (both being carriers) have passed this genetic disease onto our children. Yes, myself and all four of the people I have been entrusted to guide, raise and care for are afflicted to some degree. A few more serious than others. Just when life was moving along with so much hope; upcoming weddings, potential grandchildren, new jobs and college-life, we find ourselves in the endless struggle of seeking and finding help in any way possible to prevent the progression and damage caused by this.
Although Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency has brought about an abrupt change to the way I maneuver in this world, I will not give up on my quest to seek integrative treatments as a gentle way to walk through the disease process with both love and grace. I will not let this take away our joy as a family. I want to honor all who have walked in illness before me and welcome you into my own tribe. The tribe of hope and endless search for answers.

Here’s to the foodies, health conscious, sick and seekers…demanding change and support. Those making a difference by breaking through the chains of complacency and opening up a world of possibility. All leaders who walk hand-in-hand as hippies and scientists, paleo and vegan, mothers and fathers, athletes and artists as they push the boundaries of hope and possibility.
Much love my friends!
Kris Kelly