Back from our early summer adventures, we’ve hit a mid-summer slump with a call for simplicity. Lazy mornings, followed by warm afternoons, requires most of my kitchen work to be done in the early morning hours. With Bill off to work and a large basket of plump, juicy blueberries calling to me, I decided a…
Lime Pudding Bars
Being vegan and gluten free is a difficult concept for many folks who don’t understand the absolute necessity for some people to avoid both gluten and dairy products. The first question I’m often asked is, “What can you eat?” The answer is simple…So many delicious plant foods and combinations that it would make your mind…
Blueberry Chia Breakfast Bars
Are you a weekend warrior or just happen to have one in your fit family? If so, check out these Blueberry Chia Breakfast Bars as a way to fuel your weekend fun. Make a plate on Friday and they’re sure to be gone by Sunday. Made with organic blueberries, chia seeds and almonds, these slightly sweet…