As we head into the spring season, I find myself looking forward to longer days, warmer nights and plenty of San Diego sunshine. The only issue I have with the clocks rolling forward an hour is the disruption that takes place in my meal routine. As I work through the day, 5:00 p.m. creeps up…
Semi Raw Rainbow Pad Thai
I’m sure it’s no surprise that my idea of Pad Thai starts with plenty of fresh, organic vegetables giving our Semi Raw Rainbow Pad Thai it’s vivid color and fresh crunch. I absolutely love eating salads (often eating one every day) but get bored with using simple greens, carrots and celery. You get where I’m going with this…
Black Quinoa Pesto Bowls
Gearing up for a busy week? If so, check out my recipe for these easy-to-make Black Quinoa Pesto Bowls. These bowls are full of plant-based protein, essential fatty acids and have become a favorite in the Kelly house. With a nutty base of Organic Black Heirloom Quinoa from Alter Eco Foods, these bowls pack quite the vegan…
Ayurvedic Kale Kitchari
Many folks find cleanses to be of great value as a way to reset the body and refocus intention. I too find value in removing little habits that have crept into my daily routine by stripping away the unnecessary adhesion and replacing it with something new. One helpful tip in starting fresh is to reach…
Vegan Strawberry Ice Cream
Today I’m sharing a special treat made for my leap year baby, Megan. She turned 24 yesterday, with only six real birthdays (falling on the 29th of February) since her birth in 1992. She is as unique as the day she was born, standing at 6 feet tall, bursting with opinions and owning her incredibly distinctive artistic flare….
Gut Loving Nut Tuna
As I continue on my path to increased (balanced) health, I often add cultured vegetables to my daily routine. I’m sure many of you understand the benefits of occasionally taking probiotic supplements for gut and immunity health, however, I’m not sure many folks understand the added benefit of consuming cultured vegetables on a frequent basis. I personally…
Lime Pudding Bars
Being vegan and gluten free is a difficult concept for many folks who don’t understand the absolute necessity for some people to avoid both gluten and dairy products. The first question I’m often asked is, “What can you eat?” The answer is simple…So many delicious plant foods and combinations that it would make your mind…
Chinese New Year Spicy Tofu
Happy Chinese New Year everyone! In honor of the Year of the Monkey we’ve created a spicy tofu dish with sweet peppers and beautiful black Forbidden Rice from Lotus Foods. We often find it difficult to eat out at many Chinese restaurants due to the added MSG and gluten. (Most soy sauce has gluten). Although, I…
Strengthening Ume Kuzu Lemon Tea
Kick starting my metabolism and digestion often starts with a warm cup of water and fresh squeeze of lemon juice first thing in the morning. However, when occasional tummy trouble creeps into my day, or I feel a cold coming on, drinking a cup of Strengthening Ume Kuzu Lemon Tea is often the perfect fix. …
Black Eyed Pea Tacos
Happy 2016! We’re kicking off the new year with our Black Eyed Pea Tacos and Citrus Salsa. Eating black-eyed peas on New Years Day is a Southern tradition dating back to Civil War times where the peas were eaten to bring good luck and prosperity for the new year. I’ll take a little good luck for my…