After finding out my niece’s adorable boyfriend Mikey is SEVERELY allergic to nuts, I’ve officially made it my mission in 2015 to include several nut-free recipes on this blog. Now, although I’m fully aware that many folks suffer from a wide array of food allergies, my family has always been able to eat nuts and many of creations include nuts or nut milk in the recipe. Let’s just say, I’m a little nut crazy. Unfortunately, Mikey’s allergy is serious with the need to carry an EpiPen with him for those accidental encounters with nuts or foods that have been processed with nuts. So here you go my friends – Mikey inspired, Gluten-Free, Nut-Free, Vegan Pink Alfredo Pasta.
Typically I make my Vegan Alfredo sauce by soaking almonds overnight and throwing them in the Vitamix with a little sautéed onion, nutritional yeast flakes, garlic and almond milk. I’ve also been known to use cashews instead of almonds. Either way, nuts were involved.
My updated vegan Alfredo that is completely Nut-Free:
This new way of making “Nut-free” Alfredo sauce starts by soaking sunflower seeds overnight. I’ve also amped up the nutrition by using roasted cauliflower, beets, and garlic in my creamy base. Roasting vegetables brings out their sweetness and adds a hidden boost of nutrition. The roasted beet gives this Pink Alfredo Pasta its unexpected color – a little whimsical touch and possible idea for Valentine’s Day – wink, wink!
According to “Tree nut allergy is one of the most common food allergies in children and adults. Tree nuts can cause a severe, potentially fatal, allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). Medical experts advise that people with a tree nut allergy have quick access to an epinephrine auto-injector (such as an EpiPen®, Auvi-Q™ or Adrenaclick®) at all times. To prevent a reaction, strict avoidance of tree nuts and tree nut products is essential. Always read ingredient labels to identify tree nut ingredients.”